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A Strategic Analysis of Yeo Hiap Seng Limited

This was the first strategy report for a business strategy module (BUS490), done as a group project.

Key Objectives


To analyse the external and internal environments of the company and identify meaningful issues and opportunities.


To evaluate the firm’s existing strategies and propose relevant improvements (my part)



My approach can be summarised as such:

Information Sources (Input)

1) Micro: Firm

  • Company history

  • Operating network

  • Products & services

  • Business model

  • Key business activities

2) Macro: Industry, Geopolitics

  • Current geopolitical conditions

  • Shifts in buyer behaviour, consumer trends and sentiments

  • Regulatory changes

  • Identified risks and opportunities


Identify existing strategies

Based on the firm's outlook on future business operations

Align business activities to each strategy

E.g., Strategic acquisitions, marketing campaigns,etc

Analyse metrics to evaluate strategies

E.g., Operating costs, triple bottom line, etc

Propose suggestions to improve strategies

These should align with identified opportunities

Strategic Analysis (Output)

My strategic analysis starts with identifying the firm’s strategies through its annual reports and presentations.


I delve into the company's background, focusing on:

  • Revenue and cost drivers

  • Marketing strategies

  • Key business activities


I ensure they align with the trends identified via PESTEL and industry analyses within the broader geopolitical and regulatory context. These analyses are done by my teammates in earlier sections of the report.

Here's an example:

Considering the rising health consciousness among consumers. I studied Yeo's response to this trend - they reformulated all of their drinks to fall under Categories A and B under Singapore's new Nutri-Grade grading system, qualifying as "Healthier Choice" products under the Health Promotion Board.


The effectiveness of such strategies is then evaluated against financial performance metrics and ESG contributions, as part of a Triple Bottom Line analysis, to determine their overall impact. I ensure that my ratio interpretations align with my teammate's financial analysis in our Internal Analysis.

Skills Applied


Critical and Interdisciplinary Thinking

Developed a methodical approach to synthesise and analyse different information sources across different disciplines, to identify and evaluate Yeo's strategies.

E.g., Strategy, financials and sustainability

Communication and Collaboration

Had to communicate and coordinate as a team to ensure that the strategy section aligned with the trends, financial performance, issues, and opportunities highlighted.


Key Insights

From this project

Yeo's uses a multifaceted strategy:


Emphasise growth of higher-margin products

Strategic price increases, targeted campaigns, reformulated drinks

Cost Reduction

More water-efficient facilities, transitioned to LED lighting systems,

switched to natural gas boilers

Improve operational efficiency

Tracking euipment performance, enforcing culture of safety at work, investing in their people


The financial impact:


Core F&B sales highest in 2022


decrease (1).png

2022 Operating Margin at (2.5%)



2022 Gross Margin at 30%

We thus suggest 2 strategic improvements:

Diversify into plant-based products

Consider developing almond/rice drinks to diversify product portfolio - e.g., Matcha almond milk.

Aligns with health-conscious consumers.


Invest in technology to further enhance supply chain resilience

Use of big data and AI capabilities to provide real-time insights on how and where production workflows can be automated.


The Good and The Things I Would Have Done Differently


It was my first time analysing business strategies in such a rigorous manner. Frameworks like Porter's Generic Strategies and Five Forces from an earlier module came in handy!

I also got to practice the financial analysis skills that I learned from the Wealth Management Institute, which makes the project engaging.

We were complimented by our professor on our presentation, where she cited that our strategic analysis was very "to the point".


I look forward to the next 2 strategic reports.

As fun as it was, not all was smooth sailing.


I could have established a stronger, clearer link between Yeo's strategies and the opportunities we've identified. That is something I would apply to the next report!

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